Sunday, October 05, 2008
As I try to grapple with the Dance of Emotions, I fear that my mind has become a battleground, where the optimistic and pessimistic forces are waging a war. Caught in such a vortex, here is my attempt to dump the current state of my mind. For those of you who do not get the context, it would epitomize randomness. My apologies for the same.
As I write this blog, the pessimistic forces seem to have gained an edge. The engineer and the pessimist in me want to device a backup plan lest the fortune might conspire against me and the positive thing may not materialize at all – may be, I won’t get closer to that special thing / person. (Shudder).
Nevertheless, the optimistic forces are still going strong - may be, it is only my mind that is playing the trick! And, Wisdom (little that I have), their close ally, tells me that it is a lesson to be learnt. A lesson that I should pull myself up to the next level, where the difference between positive and negative forces falls apart – neutralizing them, and therefore, shielding me from the effects of emotional vagaries. Such a graduation, I understand, is painful; but, highly rewarding.
I wonder, if I do graduate, does the special person / thing remain special? It is reasonable to invest the due amount, but at no point, I would condescend my stature. With my characteristic arrogance, I wish I could say "Bah! Nevermind".
As I sign-off, an optimistic note should augur well: "Long live the optimistic forces!”

andhera khaayam rahe, jai taamasa jiivi ;)
Does a special person/thing remain special ? ( Only you have the answer for this ) There is no +ve -ve or neutral , when it comes to the "special" thing , because its Special anyways at that point !