Sunday, October 19, 2008
No. This is not a review of the movie that goes by the same title. Instead, it is rumination around an interesting facet of human psychology – Prejudice, as I have experienced it. I hope this write-up will shore up fellow victims while sending out a strong message to the perpetrators (It would be rather ambitious of me to expect that they comprehend it; for, they are usually thick-skinned).
“Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups”, wrote an ex-colleague in his e-mail signature. How true! People are habitual of assuming things, er… a lot of things. Just like that! Would anyone like to believe that their reasoning could go wrong? Eventually, they develop a prejudice towards something / someone. For some reason, people seemed to think that I am doing good, by myself. Any help from their end is probably an excess and they should refrain from it. “Phew! I wish that was true”, I chuckle. Imagine doing everything, all by yourself. Perhaps, I exude a sense of well-being, which I should be proud of.
There is another fall-out of prejudice - Envy. Some people just can’t digest the fact that you can do some things better (Of course, that also means they could do some things better than you). They never let go an opportunity to snub you. “Mr. X knows everything about rolling out a summer internship”, they would say on topics that you know about. “It is a mistake that we did - You, me and whoever. We should have done it the other way”, they quip just to highlight that you too made a mistake, although you are not even directly related to it.
For god’s sake, I never claimed I am perfect. Nevertheless, it is an honor; for, they are only serving to underline your wins by deliberately (and, in some cases, desperately) trying to condone them and highlight your (miniscule) slips. Again, I take pride in this! May be, it is worth shouting from the roof-top, “Is that all? I can take more. My ears are wide open”. Usually, I laugh it away, saying “Thank you” in my mind.