Sunday, September 28, 2008
Perhaps, this is the longest I have gone without blogging, ever since I started. Knowing that a few of you follow my blog regularly, I would like to apologize for this gap. The reasons are one too many. However, that is not the subject matter of this write-up. Instead, it is a pondering over a common dilemma that presents itself, time and again.
On more than one occasion, I have found myself in a situation where, I have to make an important choice – one of whether to stick to old way of doing things, or to walk down the modern road. Either way, you will end up disappointing someone – a very slippery situation indeed.
That got me thinking about what the approach should be when faced with such a situation (a generic code of conduct)? After mulling over it for quite a time, I managed to come up with some points that seemed satisfactory to me, the summary of which is presented below.
Time marches ahead, ruthlessly; and along with cometh the change. Such an inseparable association has been crafted into the very nature of this divine existence. Extrapolating the same thought one might be tempted to believe that the newer (modern) one is better than the older one (conventional); for, it represents an evolved and refined approach as compared to the older one. This is a misconception, and does not necessarily hold in all cases.
Then, what exactly should drive one’s decision? The answer is ‘Purpose’. The purpose you have set out to achieve should drive the decision. Hope that this would serve as a heuristic to many of you.
decision making