Friday, March 14, 2008
Just wanted to document this whim.
When was the last time you uttered, "I just love the way Shah Rukh has acted in that movie. It was flabbergasting! No doubt, he will win an Oscar", even without watching the movie. Or, do you recall saying, "I am a die-hard fan of Sukor. He's got to be the next Maradona!", without even knowing which team he represents.
Lets face it. The fact is, (almost) all of us are 'infected' by such a psychological disorder. We are all wearing personalities, making things up to sound really 'cool'. Because, we like to impress people; prove them that we are not out of vogue. For the fear of becoming obsolete, people go to ridiculous lengths to differentiate and stand out. Perhaps, this tendency is more of a socio-psychological disorder.
Actually, by (divine) design, every soul and every object are fundamentally different. Every soul is innately distinct. Owing to such an existence, it is only obvious that if we are to just remain ourselves (be natural), we would be different.
Doesn't it sound simple?